Babies R Not Me.

I actually wrote a post with this title last time I went to a baby shower, but then I removed it because I thought it sounded too harsh.  But allow me to be honest…the fact remains that I’m just not such a fan of babies.  Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t hate babies.  I just am not as inspired to coo over them as many women I know, and I have never had the maternal instinct/biological clock thing going on.  So going to a baby shower always brings this feeling into sharp focus.

My adventure began at Pottery Barn Kids, where I rebelled against the registry (which was at Target) and went to buy a les practical but still coo-worthy gift.  I must admit that after my friend T. clued me in to the wonder that is Pottery Barn Kids when I attended my last baby shower a couple of months ago, I sort of fell in love with it and was oddly excited to visit again.  I must say, the gift I got was pretty frickin’ cute.  And as T. said, there are things in there that I would buy for my own place!  (Like some fun rugs.)  I also felt a little envious/disgusted watching parents buy their children desks and chairs that cost hundreds of dollars (seeing as how most of my furniture comes from Ikea and Craigs List.  I could upgrade but I know Noodles would just ruin it).

Anyway, I then went to help set up for the shower.  The mom-to-be is my friend D.’s sister; I know D. from law school and he was hosting the party at his fabulous condo.  (When a gay man is throwing a party, you know it’s going to be good.)  I felt somewhat more at ease with the baby shower notion because it was his first time hosting (and probably, attending) one.  Also, a couple of my other anti-baby friends were there so I didn’t feel so out of place.  At the same time, there were also the women with babies/children in tow (who inevitably crawled/ran around the apartment, threatening to wreak havoc and making D. rue the day he purchased that fabulous white couch).  Talk about my birth control for the day…yikes.

Which makes me wonder — when, if ever, will I cross the line from baby-phobic  to baby-crazy?  As a single woman, I currently consider it a blessing that my biological clock is not ticking, since I certainly don’t want to rush into something that isn’t right or be a single parent.  (One of the paralegals in my office is single and adopted a baby.  I can’t think of anything less tempting.)  At the same time, I wonder if it’s ever going to change.  Is it like a switch that flips on when you reach a certain age or life stage?  Or are some people just baby-prone and others aren’t?

On a totally unrelated topic, tonight my friend C. and I rented a DVD of the show Felicity.  We used to watch it religiously when we were in college together, and it is still so good.  I must say, I relate to it even more now than I did then.  I am thinking about getting Netflix and if I do, that is going on my queue for sure!

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Filed under babies, friends, kids, parties, Relationships, TV

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