Tying the Knot

Hello dear readers!  I know that after making a brief comeback, I have been radio silent again for a few months.  I was second chairing a jury trial which even though we lost (boooo!) was a great experience career wise, but was also a total killer for my social life.  But now it is done (pending maybe an appeal) and I can focus on other things like…drumroll please…my upcoming wedding!

In just 24 days (so says theknot.com), Mr. Law and I will be tying the knot!  (Does this mean that I need to change the title of this blog to Mrs. Law?  Hmmm…)  I have officially now fallen down the wedding planning rabbit hole and am spending countless hours on tasks such as writing my vows (still a work in progress, suggestions from vow-writing veterans welcomed!),  purchasing cute wedding-related things on Etsy (LOVE that site), shopping for a rehearsal dinner dress, tallying RSVPs, meeting with our vendors, etc.  I did have a brief moment in the last week of trial where I cursed myself for not having hired a wedding planner, but now we are back in good shape and I’m actually having a lot of fun with things. Weddings are such happy events — I have loved attending / being in my friends’ weddings and I can’t wait to be in my own.  🙂

Still, the most common question people have been asking me is “are you nervous?”  I think it’s sort of a funny question, and I can never tell whether they’re asking if I’m worried about getting married, or if I’m anxious about putting together a party for 140+  guests.   In any event, the answer is that I’m not at all nervous about getting married, and that the details of the event can be slightly overwhelming at times, but that I know it’ll all work out.  My goal in this process has been to be the anti-Bridezilla, and so my take is that I only have two goals: 1) to marry Mr. Law and 2) to have a great time with our nearest and dearest.  If we accomplish that it is a success!

To that end, even though in the final weeks it is tempting to start splurging and adding on all sorts of extras, Mr. Law and I decided early on that the only things our guests would really need are a nice meal, open bar, and good music.  Then we also wanted nice flowers and a great photographer.  We’ve got all that covered.  And most importantly of all I am marrying the love of my life and I CAN’T WAIT.

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Filed under love, Relationships, wedding

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