Following my Bliss

My parents have always been a bit into astrology (and other things I call “woo woo”) and, I admit that despite my Judgy McJudgerson attitude about it, I have always been intrigued by it too. Since I am at a crossroads and trying to make some big life decisions, when my mom got a “natal chart” reading that she thought was fantastic a few weeks ago, I decided to shed my lawyerly skepticism for the moment and get a reading myself. Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m not one to chart the course of my life 100% based on what anyone else tells me (be it career coach, astrologer, parent, therapist, etc), so this is no different, but I do feel that it’s good to get advice from all sides and perspectives when making big life decisions. I must say, I was impressed by what came out of my reading. Here are some of the highlights of what the astrologer told me:

-I am very sensitive and have a 6th sense about other people’s emotions and body language, which can be emotionally exhausting. I need time by myself to regenerate and go back out in the world.
-My skill set might be good for psychology or therapy (this was without me mentioning anything other than I was looking to maybe switch jobs or careers).
-I’m an autodidact and can teach myself anything I want to learn. Great love of reading, writing and ideas.
-Huge interest in causes, particularly relating to girls and young women. I need to have something I believe in. My work needs to be meaningful. The issue will always come back to whether I believe in what I’m doing.
-There is something to be said for utilizing what I have already learned. My path is like a pyramid where everything I’ve done continues to be useful.
-I have a theatrical component that he thinks would be good in a courtroom along with my ability to read body language.
-I mentioned jury consulting and he said I would be very good at that but that it involves the manipulative side of Scorpio and might not square with my belief system – he referred to it as “flirting with bad karma.”
-I have a 6th sense for figuring out what other peoples’ needs are. He thinks I could come up with something that doesn’t exist.
-He thinks I would be really good at teaching moot court, either in high school, college or law school. Strong language skills.
-Nontraditional way of healing or seeing what’s beneath the surface.
-I need to first figure out what I’m passionate about, what turns me on, and the rest is logistics. He sees me doing something with communications and/or young women.
-My calling in life is about finding a place for myself out in the world. The fact that I’m struggling about what to do means that I’m working on my calling.

My readers may or may not know enough about me to know that this was right on the money. And really, his advice was not much different than the exercises I’ve been doing with my career counselor — it seems once I figure out my passion, the rest will follow. Of course, it’s that process which is so difficult and time consuming and…well, such hard work.

My mom has recently discovered Joseph Campbell, and the expression “Follow your bliss.” When it comes right down to it, that’s really what I’m doing, isn’t it — trying to find my bliss?

So I decided I want to do a variation on the erstwhile gratitude journal. I want to take time each day to jot down those things in the day that made me smile, made me laugh, made me passionate…gave me bliss. To the extent they are little things (eating a good meal, sitting with Noodles on my feet, etc.) I will know I can boost my mood by doing these things. To the extent that themes develop with what blisses me out in work and play and they are things that I can pursue in my career, then I will be well on my way to finding out what, as the astrologer put it, “turns me on.” If nothing else, I think it will make me smile just to think about those things which make me smile day to day. And that’s always a good thing.

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Filed under Career, Life, mom, work

One response to “Following my Bliss

  1. PJW

    Glad you’re back, LML!!! Reading your posts are part of my bliss.

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